Celebrating 10th Anniversary, Agile Conferences Pakistan 2024

ISB:2023-12-16:Conflict Management in Scrum


Daniyal Farid Chaudhry

Daniyal Farid Chaudhry


Certified Project Manager (Google) | Business Analyst | Product Management | Certified Professional Scrum Master (CPSM) | Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC™) | SFPC™ Certified...more

Saad Ahmed Siddique

Saad Ahmed Siddique

Associate Project Manager at BroadPeak Technologies

Customer Services Veteran, A project management Professional, IT Services Coach, Mentor for skill development & team building. I have extensive leadership skills to develop any team to a world class level. Development of team SLA's, KPI's & ensuring team members perform well with no hassle. I have the "Lets Do"​ attitude rather then the "You Do" attitude. Proven experience in developing world cl...more


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Event Date Dec 16, 2023
Event Timing 09 : 30 AM to 12 :30 PM
Event Venue Smart IS (View Map)
Event Type Open For All
Agile Pakistan - Islamabad Chapter is excited to announce that our 4th & last quartelry seminar of year 2023 is scheduled on December 16th, 2023 in collaboration & Sponsorship with Smart-IS.Theme of this event is "Mastering Conflict Management in Scrum". We have amazing line up of speakers and Panelist to announce soon for this event.
ISB:2023-12-16:Conflict Management in Scrum