Sarfraz Aaron
Individually We Are One Drop, Together We Are An Ocean.

Sarfraz Aaron is an IT professional with 30+ years of experience that spans
across banking, insurance, and retail industries; working with cross-functional
diverse talented teams to deliver complex solutions for cloud and/or
on-premises-based projects using traditional and agile methodologies.
Sarfraz is well-versed in project management and is familiar with Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) when applied to applications from concept to
completion. His experience spans these main areas:
â— 10 years of technical background
â— 13 years as a Project Manager
â— 7 years as a Scrum Master
In the year 2020, Sarfraz founded a new company called How to Scrum to
allow IT professionals to be more agile-centric and built a website to host online courses geared toward Agile/Scrum
Project Development, useful templates, and the latest tips & techniques in the
form of videos and blogs.
Sarfraz also offers coaching services to help individuals in their career goals,
interview preparation and help with their resume, and mentorship on agile and
scrum knowledge - please visit for more information.
In 2022, How to Scrum offered a 2-day intensive Scrum Workshops for those
â— Want to break into Tech Industry
â— Become proficient in Scrum Framework
â— Be an effective Scrum Master
The workshop focuses on providing a foundational Scrum Framework
followed by how to implement it at the workplace, using tips and techniques
acquired from over 30 years of experience in IT Project Management.