Sumara Farooq is an Agile Coach and Scrum Trainer by passion. She is a technology enthusiast and social activist, having impassioned interest in intervening education and information technology to bring social change in Pakistan. She is a graduate from University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore. She has expertise in agile project management, business analysis and quality assurance. She loves to interpret business needs and address technical issues raised by the development sector. Also, she helps organizations to Scrum and related Agile practices. She works with public sector, startups, and renown established software development companies for Agile Transition.
Currently, Sumara is leading the SQA department in FiveRivers Technologies for for AI-powered products to enhance cyber security, and state-of-the-art machine learning. Previously, Sumara has worked in public sector for primary & secondary healthcare,vocational and education domain. She has been working on public sector projects in collaboration with Information Technology University, PITB, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department, Punjab Schools IT Labs Project, and TEVTA.
Sumara has research interest in business process modeling,feasibility analysis, AI, and forensic science. She cares about the following causes: Intervention of IT in Education & Health Sector, Women Education, Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan, Social Change.