Celebrating 10th Anniversary, Agile Conferences Pakistan 2024


ACP18 - Round 2 Speakers / Talks

First of all Congratulations that for Round 1 your talk has been accepted and looks great to add value in society/Conference objectives.


ACP18 - Date Extended Speakers Abstract

We consider the busy schedule at offices due to upcoming Public Holidays (Eid Holidays)

We have extended date to submit abstracts till 20th

ACP18 - Speakers Abstract

We are going to start first round of abstract collection and potential speakers have to send till 31st May.

Send us three things


Opening of Lahore Chapter

Opening of Lahore Chapter

We would like to inform you all that we are going to open Lahore Chapter of Pakistan Agile Development Society after a huge interest of Participant

Planning 1st Meet up

Planning 1st Meet up

We are planning to organize 1st meet-up of 2017 which will be closed event so only invited people can join.

We have invited core committee

7th Meet up

7th Meet up

We are going to meet soon for 7th Meet up of #AgilePK team

We will discuss overall progress of marketing of #ACP2016

Also, will dis

3rd Meet up

Need a discussion with all organizers and volunteers about upcoming workshop (26-Mar-2016)

Meet up date : 22-Mar-2016

Meet up venue

1st Meet up 2016 Rescheduled

We would like to inform you all that 1st meet up has been scheduled to 19-Jan-2016

Meeting Held at Vizteck to plan ACP2015

Meeting Held at Vizteck to plan ACP2015

On Friday, 7th of August, 2015, there was a meeting held at Vizteck Solutions. Pakistan Agile society core committee was gathered at this meeting and

1st Meetup in Islamabad

Dear All,
I would like to invite you all on behalf of Pakistan Agile Development Society (PADS) 1st Meet up at House # 7, Street 18, F-8/2, Islama

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