Shamim Rajani
Scrum Master | Blockchain Enthusiast
COO at Genetech | Founder of CodeGirls by ConsulNet
Shamim Rajani is a Techpreneur and has been serving the Pakistan IT industry for the last 14 years. She is COO at Genetech Solutions, a software company dedicated to providing End to End IT solutions and services to its Global audience. Genetech serves in various technology areas including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Smart Contracts Development (BlockChain), Native and Hybrid Mobile Applications Development (including REACT Native) and Web Applications Development.
She is also the founder of ConsulNet Corporation, a tech training institution that imparts education on social grounds and acts as an incubator for Software companies. The CODEGIRLS bootcamp is one of ConsulNet's few initiatives to improve inclusion in the TECH Sector. This is followed by another training for 100 Girls in Blockchain commencing in the last quarter of 2018.
Shamim is an IBA graduate Entrepreneur, a Professional Scrum Master and graduated from Draper University San Francisco as an Executive in their Blockchain intensive Program, currently serving as the Community Ambassador in Pakistan for CryptoChicks.
Overall Subscription
- 2019-2020 : Chapter Board Member
- 2019 - Karachi Chapter
- 2018 - Karachi Chpater
- 2018 - Executive Member
- Subscriber Since : Oct 21, 2017
- LinkedIn Profile
Events Attended
- 08-Sep-2018 - KHI:2018-09-08:2nd Meet up
- 11-Aug-2018 - KHI:2018-08-11:1st Meet up
- 21-Oct-2017 - ISB:2017-10-21:ACP2017 - Agile Conference Pakistan